
Google Cloud VMware Engine Sessions at VMware Explore 2023 Barcelona

VMware Explore 2023 Barcelona Live Broadcast

VMware Explore 2023 in Barcelona is approaching very fast. In about one week thousands of folks will arrive to Barcelona in Spain to enjoy excellent conference - VMware Explore 2023. There will be many excellent sessions from different vendors, from VMware and community ones but I would like to invite you to join sessions about Google Cloud VMware Engine.

My VMware Explore 2023 Session

My session at VMware Explore 2023 in Barcelona

Hello, VMware Explore 2023 Barcelona attendees! I am very thrilled to invite you to my session “Unleash the Power of Google Cloud Services with Google Cloud VMware Engine,” taking place at this year’s conference in Barcelona. My co-presenter for this session is Robert Riemer, from the Google Cloud VMware Engine (GCVE) specialist team.

My Session at VMware Explore EU 2022

VMware Explore 2022 Logo

A few weeks ago I was asked by a colleague from Google Cloud VMware Engine specialists team if I would be interrested in co-hosting a VMware Explore session in Barcelona. As GCVE is close to my heart and I never had such an opportunity to be a VMworld / VMware Expplore speaker so I took the chance.

Join VeeamON Conference 2020

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It’s the first time everyone can experience VeeamON at no cost and collaborate with thousands of tech trainers, cloud experts, IT visionaries and Veeam partners from around the globe.

Konferencja infraXstructure 2017

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infraXstructure 2017 - techniczne święto inżynierów. Znamy agendę!

Już 20 kwietnia 2017 widzimy się po raz trzeci podczas infraXstructure! To praktyczna konferencja Data Center, Cloud i DevOps tworzona przez inżynierów dla inżynierów. Mocno techniczna, treściwa i stworzona z myślą o specjalistach tych dziedzin. Jeśli zajmujesz się Data Center, Cloudem, DevOps, kontereryzacją, wirtualizacją, Dtrace, IasS i chcesz poznać doświadczenia specjalistów zajmujących się tymi zagadnieniami - infraXstructure zostało stworzone właśnie dla Ciebie.