vExpert Gift Review - NX6412 Maxtang EHL30
I finally found some time to built and test the vExpert Gift which I received at VMware Explore 2022. The unit is quite small, compact and is completely fanless set. Let’s dive into the review.
I finally found some time to built and test the vExpert Gift which I received at VMware Explore 2022. The unit is quite small, compact and is completely fanless set. Let’s dive into the review.
In 2017 I wrote about my new My HomeLab purchase. If you want to take a look on my HomeLab details use link Supermicro SuperServer E300-8D. It costs me a lot because I upgraded it to maximum capacity in terms of RAM and I was very happy about it. I installed my whole VMware environment and I was kind of using it.
Working at VMware provides many fantastic possibilities. One of it is a possibility to use vCloud Director based environment where you can spin up any lab you want (of course with per-user limits 😉 ). This environment has some limits and I decided to purchase new Home Lab.
After long considerations, I decided to buy well known in VMware community Supermicro E300-8D. It has amazing hardware combined with very small chassis.
Yesterday - 27.06.2017 I had very special anniversary. This is very special anniversary because it structured myself as a person and had incredible influence of my future.
macOS is a quite popular operating system. I never had an opportunity to work with it prior joining to VMware. From my point of view, Apple makes brilliant hardware and software (with one exception of Finder in macOS). At the moment I am running Windows 10 as a Bootcamp and I am quite happy how it performs. However, there are situations when one would like to evaluate the different operating system. Let it be any Linux flavor or an even exotic system like BSD you can all run them in VMware Workstation. What about the Apple macOS? Unfortunately in VMware Workstation running on Windows by default you can’t run Apple macOS.
Today I will show you how to install Apple macOS in VMware Workstation on Windows.
This is post is quite different than you usually find on my blog. It is going to be about How to disable LED’s in Asus AC3200 on Tomato.
Installing signed SSL certificate in HP c7000 enclosure isnt’ difficult thing to do. From my experience most of the time you will spend is to setup Certificate Authority. If you work in bigger company most likely you already have working Certificate Authority. If you don’t have it you certainly can create it.
In my previous post we configured HP OneView to manage HP c7000 enclosure. Today I will show you how to replace self signed certificate with one from trusted Certificate Authority.
In previous post I showed you how to configure MLC IO Accelerator from HP (it is basically Fusion IO product branded by HP). Today I will show you how can we use it with VMware vFlash Read Cache.
For a period of days I am working on replacing self-signed certificates in my environment and I found one issue with my enclosure. My certificate authority supports only 2048 Bits Certificate Signing Requests and in my case enclosure had 1024 Bits certificate. I found solution how to quickly fix problem and replace self-signed certificate.