Apply for VMware vExpert 2022
As every Year VMware opened vExpert Applications and you can as well apply until January 14th 2022. There is more than two weeks more to apply so don’t wait until the deadline and visit VMware vExpert Portal.
What is VMware vExpert Award?
I wrote about VMware vExpert program for many Years now - you can check my old posts with tag vExpert vExpert posts.
Still it is worth to mention again what is vExpert award.
The vExpert Program is about giving back to the community beyond your day job. The program is not focused on certifications or how much you know about the technology. We are looking for technologists who are blogging, advocating VMware publicly or within your company, doing speaking sessions, book writing, code / script sharing or anything directly related to giving back to the community on topics around VMware.
Who can apply?
In my opinion (as long time vExpert and vExpert Pro who is voting in vExpert applications) anyone who shares VMware products opinions, reviews, solutions and generally does the extra mile work can apply for vExpert.
How to apply?
In order to apply for vExpert award you need to visit VMware vExpert Apply portal and fill in application.
As vExpert Pro I’d like to mention several things which helps us Pro’s in voting process:
- be detailed about your actions
- provide as many publicly available resources as possible so we can verify
- do not include your daily work tasks, we are looking for this extra mile achievements
- provide link to your articles, blog entries, podcasts etc. It helps us a lot and make your application better
vExpert benefits
Here’s is list of some of the benefits for receiving the award:
- Networking with 2,200+ vExperts / Information Sharing
- Knowledge Expansion on VMware & Partner Technology
- Opportunity to apply for vExpert BU Lead Subprograms (see below)
- Direct Access to VMware Business Units via Subprograms
- Blog Traffic Boost through Advocacy, @vExpert, @VMware, VMware Launch & Announcement Campaigns
- 1 Year VMware Licenses for Home Labs for almost all Products & Some Partner Products
- Private VMware & VMware Partner Sessions
- Gifts and Awards from VMware and VMware Partners
- vExpert Celebration Parties at both VMworld US and VMworld Europe with VMware CEO, Rangarajan Raghuram
- VMware Advocacy Platform Invite (share your content to thousands of vExperts & VMware employees who amplify your content via their social channels)
- Private Slack Channels for vExpert and the BU Lead Subprograms
I need help - who should I contact?
That is super easy. VMware created vExpert Pro subprogram which is designed to support existing and new vExperts to guide them. You can ask Pro for advice, help or suggestion. We are there for you! Use this link to find your local vExpert Pro VMware vExpert Pro directory.