8th time vExpert title

Last week VMware announced accounced it’s community awards. I love receiving this email from VMware :)

Congratulations on your vExpert Award!


It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the vExpert program. 
Please be patient, over the next week we will setup your access, software licenses, certificates and vExpert badges. 

We will email you once this is completed.

VMware vExpert Certificate

VMware vExpert starts

VMware vExpert badge

I am super happy and super excited being awarded 8th time in a row. I started my blogging a long time ago. I remember having conversations with Maciej Lelusz about how to become VMware vExpert, the do’s and dont’s.

It took me a while to become VMware vExpert but it was worth it. You can check my vExpert profile here.