VMware vSphere Update Manager 5.5

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VMware vSphere Update Manager

Once we successfully installed vCenter Server 5.5 it is time to enhance its functionality by installing VMware vSphere Update Manager.

What is VMware vSphere Update Manager?

In short words, Update Manager is used to automating patching of VMware hosts. It is really simple yet powerful tool - it allows you easily update your whole infrastructure with zero downtime (if all done properly πŸ˜‰ ).

You can read details on VMware site http://www.vmware.com/products/vsphere/features/update-manager.html.

VMware vSphere Update Manager Database creation

I didn’t find anything on VMware site how to prepare or create VMware Update Manager database but I will use example script for vCenter Database and just rename it.





(NAME = N'vUMDB_log', FILENAME = N'E:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL11.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLDATAvUMDB.ldf' , SIZE = 1000KB , FILEGROWTH = 10%)

COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS


use vUMDB


sp_addlogin @loginame=[vumser], @passwd=N'Start123@_1_2', @defdb='vUMDB', @deflanguage='us_english'




CREATE USER [vumser] for LOGIN [vumser]


VMware vSphere Update Manager - Database Creation

After successful Database creation, you need to add a user to db_owner to VUMDB.

VMware vSphere Update Manager 32 bit DSN creation

VMware vSphere Update Manager use 32 bit DSN ODBC connector. In order to configure it, you need to navigate toΒ %windir%SysWoW64odbcad32.exe directory and create DSN. It is pretty much the same next, next, finish creator. Please remember to use SQL Native Client 32-bit DSN, otherwise, it will be not detected by VUM.

  1. Navigate to directory and start odbcad32.exe

    VMware vSphere Update Manager - 32 bit DSN 1

  2. Click Add and select SQL Server Native Client and click Finish.

    VMware vSphere Update Manager - 32 bit DSN 2

  3. Provide Name, Description and SQL Server.

    VMware vSphere Update Manager - 32 bit DSN 3

  4. Point to SQL Database VUMDB

    VMware vSphere Update Manager - 32 bit DSN 4

  5. Go to the end of setup and test connectivity.

    VMware vSphere Update Manager - 32 bit DSN 5

VMware vSphere Update Manager Installation

Installation is pretty straight forward. If you configured 32-bit DSN it will be painless. Let us go through it quickly so we can patch our Infrastructure.

  1. Launch installation from ISO

    VMware vSphere Update Manager - Installation 1

  2. Accept License Agreement

    VMware vSphere Update Manager - Installation 2

  3. Select if you want to immediately download patches from VMware site. I deselected it because I want to do it manually later.

    VMware vSphere Update Manager - Installation 3

  4. Provide vCenter Server IP address and credentials.

    VMware vSphere Update Manager - Installation 4

  5. Select previously configured 32-bit DSN.

    VMware vSphere Update Manager - Installation 5

  6. Summary of Database information

    VMware vSphere Update Manager - Installation 7

  7. Enter connection information in your environment.

    VMware vSphere Update Manager - Installation 8

  8. If you have less than 120GB free on disk where you will install VMware Update Manager you will receive this warning. Don’t worry - installation will be not canceled.

    VMware vSphere Update Manager - Installation 9

  9. Change Directory if needed.

    VMware vSphere Update Manager - Installation 10

  10. Click Install to go ahead with the installation.

    VMware vSphere Update Manager - Installation 11

  11. Click Finish.

    VMware vSphere Update Manager - Installation 12

Once VUM is installed you can check via vSphere Web Client or vSphere Client if the plugin is available.As you see on the screenshot it is available.

VMware Update Manager plugin

That is it. I hope your installation process was painless and it worked fine. I will cover VUM usage in next posts.