Google Cloud VMware Engine with VMware HCX Enterprise Available

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In June 2022 Google announced that all customers will be able to use VMware HCX Enterprise. In this post I’ll share some more information and why it is a big deal.

VMware HCX

VMware HCX is a one-stop-shop if we talk about migration from on-premises into Cloud. HCX has several products which in my opinion play crucial role in smooth and fricktionless migration.

VMware HCX Features

On the picture below you can find a list of all HCX features.

VMware HCX Features

With this new announcement done by Google I am happy to share that every new GCVE Private Cloud deployment will have VMware HCX included. Personally, I think it is a big deal and it will help even more customers with smooth and easy migration to cloud.

VMware HCX Overview